NoWire System - Transmitter(s) Offline

NoWire System - Transmitter(s) Offline


Troubleshooting Offline Transmitter(s)


The NoWire utilizes the Inovonics EN1501 transmitter. This device does not have 2-Way communication like that of Tehama or Next Century, so troubleshooting requires access to the NoWire unit, specifically the LED screen and the back button located to the right of the LED on the circuit board. 

Status Codes:

The NoWire device will produce a range of status alerts depending on the issue. For offline Transmitters the 2 codes you would see are either:

B - Low Battery Warning

Z - Transmitter Offline/Unresponsive

This can have either one, both, or even both with an additional “N” status. If a B code has been present you need to replace the battery. This is the only code with an easy, straightforward resolution.

  • Remove the front faceplate from the unit using the 4 screws located in all 4 corners.

    • You should see the three buttons next to the display labeled: Back, Next and Change.

Fig. A: NoWire 2100 Faceplate.

Fig. B: NoWire 2100 LED screen and button interface.

 Troubleshooting Guide:

First thing to check is to verify the transmitter battery level hasn’t dropped below the minimum threshold. This can be verified on the LED inside the transmitter. When you open the case, or if you press the reset button, a small red LED should flash indicating the transmitter still has power. If this does not flash when you press this button, the battery should be changed. This requires a “CR123A 3-volt Lithium Battery” found at most retailers.

If the LED does come on, then the next option would be to put the device in Fast mode. This puts the transmitter in an enhanced state where it will force check in to the NoWire every minute for 24 hours. This is used in troubleshooting and is the best option when trying to force connect a transmitter. This will turn itself off after 24 hours so you will not see a drop in the battery life of the device. 

Fig. C: EN1501 Transmitter -  Tamper Switch highlighted in Red, Reset button highlighted in Blue.

Fast Mode Instructions:

To engage the Transmitter in fast mode, you will need to open the case and press on the small spring inside a total of 5 times in a 5 second period. After you do this you need to close the case. Do not press this spring too fast or it will not register. The spring counts as a tamper switch, which produces a “T” status when the case is open, as well as the toggle for fast mode. 

If you have done this correctly, when you close the transmitter case, you will see an “F” status appear in the top right corner of the LED screen on the NoWire device itself. If the F status shows up on the NoWire, the transmitter is now checking in.

Inovonics Transmitters not checking in after reset:

If the Transmitter is on (verified by LED flash) but still is having issues connecting to the NoWire, it may need a little help. If the unit this Transmitter is attached to is far away from the NoWire, remove the Transmitter and walk it next to the NoWire display unit. Do the steps above to force the Transmitter to connect (if you are near the NoWire there will be no signal interference and this should connect). After the “F” status is verified on the NoWire device, walk it back to the location it will be installed. This should make it so the Transmitter and the NoWire shake hands. This usually resolves any connection issues that may be occurring due to distance or signal bouncing issues.

Transmitter Missing (Status Code X):

If the NoWire is producing an X status code, this means the transmitter was deleted or is missing from the system. To correct this it will need to be manually added back to the system. 

For Adding new Transmitters:

**See Configuration Change > NoWire Specific (New Transmitter addition)**

If unable to resolve:

If after you have followed these steps and haven’t gotten equipment online, the next step is to set up a time with one of our technicians to troubleshoot over the phone. It is critical that the person talking with our team is on-location with the equipment during the call. We will not be able to troubleshoot further without direct access to the equipment.

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